Serving royalty, presidents and casinos worldwide – to our very own lovely house, British institution and world leaders, Brintons Carpets offered us the chance to create our own carpet. We almost feel like we don’t deserve it…almost. What am I saying?! After a year of living in this house with no double glazing, no heating, bare plaster walls, a leaky roof and stripped creaky floorboards, while we prepare for our renovations, we definitely deserve it. And what’s more, we are head over heels in love with the history of Brintons. It feels like it’s meant to be.
The team are so lovely, it’s like a family and this feeling is heightened buy the fact that we were both born in the midlands and one of our mums still lives round the corner from the heart of carpet itself, Kidderminster, where the Brintons factory still runs today. So, off we head on a road trip out of London to have an adventure in their 300 year old archive. And to pick a carpet to suit the stairs in the dramatic entrance hallway of our period home with a rare opportunity to re-interpret the designs with our own colour palettes.
There we meet the lovely Yvonne, keeper of the keys in the archive. There is nothing this wonderful lady doesn’t know about carpet history. We could have happily spent days in her company just looking and learning, but we had to keep focussed on the design for our house projects. Tangents appear and disappear. Time periods pass by our eyes and craftsmanship and history create a heady mix as we try to narrow down our search.

We finally set our sights on 3 designs from different periods, one of which is entirely victorian, perfectly suited to the date of our design house. We have found our winner, so then we begin the process of re-colouring and of course we would choose a design that originally had over 20 colours.
It’s fair to say that carpet, in all its fully fitted, bold patterned glory is having a comeback and we are happily making a stand for big pattern on your floors by slamming some in our own home. 300 years of carpet excellence becoming part of the story of our house.
Check out our Design House project below to see the results! x